Got in an email from Bob Roncker:
Those lucky individuals who know Don, love and respect him for the
person that he is and for the many things he has done for the local
running community. Imagine Cincinnati without the Thanksgiving Day
Race. One of his efforts kept the race going in the 60s. As many of you
are aware, Don is now completely blind and Ginny, his wife, has an
aggressive form of Alzheimer’s. It has been a tough time for Don and his
This is an opportunity for each of us to have an enjoyable evening and
help with his family’s care expenses as we show our appreciation to him
by publicly expressing in words our feelings about him. Stories
(Roasted rare) are welcome. Please limit comments to a few minutes so
all who wish to speak have the opportunity.
We recommend that you register online ( and
click Schedule. The January 22 date appears first) since the restaurant
capacity is 100, in order to guarantee a space for yourself and your
guests. If the Roast is not filled, you may also register at the door on the
evening of the event. If you cannot attend, but still would like to
financially contribute, there is this online possibility.
Contact Don Connolly if you would like to be included on the list to talk - or text 513-646-8633. There will be an optional
VIP table for speakers (roasters). We request a $100 donation if you
wish to sit at this table. You are still able to speak if you choose not to
sit at the VIP table. Let Don Connolly know if you would like to sit at the
VIP table.
Be warned - Don Wahle will have the chance to get in the final words so
he can refute all the ‘falsities’ that were attributed to him earlier in the
- Date: Friday, January 22, 2016
- Place: Sorrento’s Pizzeria, 5143 Montgomery Road, Norwood OH 45212
- Time: 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Stories begin at 7:30. MC – Don Connolly
- Cost: $30.00 (Online or at the door) $100.00 VIP. Your $30 covers all pizza, salad, two drinks and tips. Any money
received above the bill to Sorrento’s will be given to the Wahle family to
help defray care need expenses for Don and Ginny. Donations beyond the normal price of admission are welcome.