Monday, April 08, 2013

Flying Pig Marathon Mile 22 Waterstop: Water Stop Volunteers Wanted!

Once again the Runners' Club of Greater Cincinnati will have a waterstop at mile 22. Mile 22 is where the marathon really begins for the marathoners and your support and encouragement means plenty to them. If you are running the marathon, please encourage your friends and family to help out. If you're not running, join us for a little fun and help us help the runners at mile 22. To volunteer at our waterstop:
  1. Go to the Flying Pig Volunteer Registration Page.
  2. Click the Sign-up with registered group.
  3. Find and select Runners' Club of Greater Cincinnati from the group list.
  4. Complete volunteer information.
  5. Use rcgc as the group password when asked near the end of the form.
If you have any questions or problems, let us know.

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