Monday, May 13, 2024

Volunteer Opportunities - Spring 2024

    Here are some upcoming opportunities where you can help out the Runners' Club of Greater Cincinnati. If you can help out with any of these events, we would greatly appreciate it:

  •  Memorial Day Race - The Winter Wonderland Run needs 10-15 volunteers to help with registration, timing, and post race on May 27. It would take 1-2 hours of your time. The jobs are easy and you will get a volunteer shirt. Volunteering is one of the easiest ways to get to know other club members. Let us know whether you can help by emailing us at or sign up at the online registration page
  • Ongoing Openings - Currently we have few openings for keeping the club running on an ongoing basis: Social Chair and Board Member. Most positions take 2-3 hours a month of your time. If you can or would like to fulfill one of these positions, please send an email to or attend the next board meeting on May 13.

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